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1SGT.Kenneth Glover
Priory of Saint Luke
Esto benignus et humilis
I don't know about all of you ,but this looks like it's going to be amazing. I have to love that tag line "see how their miters covers their horns" . I can't hardly wait to see it. Epic!
1SGT.Kenneth Glover
Priory of Saint Luke
Esto benignus et humilis
Knights Templar (author unknown)
Soldiers raise their holy swords,
To the heavens as they,
Give the oath to protect God and the church.
Such swords are adorned with gems,
Blessed only by God,
Which glows with a testament of honor.
The white tunic instills,
Innocence and purity,
As the red cross symbolizes,
The blood of Christ.
These promises are only kept,
By their silence and,
Giving their life to keep them.
The king and pope betrayed,
The soldiers of Christ.
Yet, after eight hu...  more
I found this humorous.
1SGT. Kenneth Glover
Priory of Saint Luke
Esto benignus et humilis
Please join me in wishing 1SGT Kenneth Glover a very Happy Birthday!🎉🎉 — with 1SGT. Kenneth Glover
Happy Birthday 1SGT Kenneth

Sir Bobby Lawson
Priory of the Holy Trinity
God above all
Sergeant's Corp of the Knights Templar O.M.S.D.T. We are an honorable ,dedicated God fearing family of Sergeants who simply are the best at what we do. Historically the Knights Templar's moved on the backs of the Sergeants. A Templar Sergeant was the nuts ,and bolts of the operation. In that grand tradition let's make some noise! It's our time to shine ,and show 'em what a bunch of gritty ,determined Templars are all about! Sound off Sergeant's Corp! It's time to raise the roof! If yo...  more
We use a lot of Latin here at the O.M.S.D.T. So I thought perhaps a basic Latin understanding would be great for some of us. It's a 73 video course so it's pretty cumbersome . I won't lie to's a challenge ,and a whole lot of work. I previewed a couple videos before I decided on this series ,so it appears to be fairly informative ,and concise. If you have a few minutes every day maybe learning some Latin would be pretty cool for you? I've screened dozens of courses ,and this o...  more
Good morning Brothers ,and Sisters. It's going to be a wonderful day. May God bless each ,and every one of you. May you find peace today ,and I pray all your problems find solutions. I "think" that sometimes maybe we are tested as Job was. In a smaller way of course. But now ,no matter how big ,or small .....the outcome is always the same isn't it ? Did you make it through it loving the Lord while keeping His commandments? If it's not a test then there are times it feels like a pop quiz....  more
This absolutely blew my mind. If you have a few minutes watch this video. When the modern scientific outlook says wait a tic. This new discovery just proved God. What can they do? How will they spin doctor this one? The biology is 100% correct. . Biologist have worked with Kinesin motor proteins for decades now. Doctors regularly add a regiment of ATP in motor neuron repair . Any tri phosphate ,or serially bonded phosphate groups can form with nitrogenous base (adenine), and a ribose su...  more
I'm going to post some descriptions of Templar battle victories. Keep in mind there were as many defeats if not more. It may be true that history doesn't get told from the victor's side only ,but for this instance I would rather talk about Templar victories.. I'll leave the mention of any defeats for another day. Templar Battles Victories 1153 Ascalon : The Templar Battle of 1153 in Ascalon was a significant event that unfolded during the Crusades. Ascalon, a strategic coastal city in the Ki...  more
My latest Templar based fantasy heraldry art. I've toyed with the Speculative History notion of a Templar "Sword Brethren " evolving in an alternate time line. I've loosely based it off the Livonian Sword Brethren which in my humble opinion took their cue from the Knights Templar in some ways. I mean.......that's normal right? Surely we all develop alternate speculative history time lines in our heads right? ............. Look over the typical watermark that I just can't seem to get ...  more
I used this verse somewhere else ,but the more I see it the more I love it. 1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
1SGT.Kenneth Glover
Priory of Saint Luke
Esto benignus et humilis
Nicholis Ahik, Knight Lieutenant
Seneschal of the Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!