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Recent Activities

Pictures from the 2024 Wiigiishin Giiwiigeenahn Community walks.

1SGT Bryan Daniel Cuillerier
Priory of Saint Sebastian (Canada)
Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Lord, do not hold this sin against them

1SGT Bryan Daniel Cuillerier
Priory of Saint Sebastian (Canada)
Hail Mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending not one community walk but two!! Handing Food, Water, snacks and even winter clothes to those who are in need. Kindly I ask if you are able and have the time, support your local community walks if you have them.

SGT Bryan Daniel Cuillerier
Priory of Saint Sebastian (Canada)
Jesuit missionaries worked among the Huron (Wendat), an Iroquoian-speaking people who occupied territory in the Georgian Bay area of Central Ontario. (They were not part of the Iroquois Confederacy, initially made up of five tribes south and east of the Great Lakes.) The area of their traditional territory is called Huronia. The Huron in this area were farmers, fishermen and traders who lived in villages surrounded by defensive wooden palisades for protection. Sainte-Marie among the Hurons was t...  more