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The Knights Templar Bank was not only one of the earliest banking institutions, but it was also a pioneer in the field of banking. They introduced many innovative practices that would lay the foundation for modern banking. Their forward-thinking approach to finance helped to shape the banking industry as we know it today. Their practices, such as providing loans, safekeeping assets, and establishing a network of branches, were ahead of their time.  more
The History of Templar Banking
Uncover the fascinating history of Templar banking, from safeguarding pilgrims' valuables to pioneering modern banking practices. Explore now!
The Jerusalem Cross is a major symbol used in Christianity, representing Christ’s command to spread the Gospel around the world beginning in Jerusalem.

It was adopted by Godfrey de Bouillon as his personal coat of arms. He was one of the leaders of the Crusades and became the first ruler of Jerusalem (he refused the title of “king”) after successfully driving out the Muslims during the First Crusade in 1099.

The central cross stands for Christ and the four smaller crosses stand for the 4 eva...  more
I received this certificate today! What a wonderful, unexpected surprise! God Bless!

I have been busy in life and work lately, trying to jugglr all that gets thrown my way. Take care all and be well!

Sgt Sean
Priory of St Joan of Arc — with GP Derek Nordio and 2 others.
Everyone benefits when Christian men faithfully give themselves to one another, when uncommon brothers love one another in uncommon ways.

Our enemy loves to isolate a man from his unit, where he is exposed, vulnerable, defenseless. Wise men, however, do not wander out alone against the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12), and they will not let their brother fight alone.

Woe be to him that is alone; for when he falleth, he hath not another to lift him up. Two are better than one, because...  more
The Templar surrender at Jerusalem in 1187 marked a profound moment of resilience and sacrifice during the Crusades. The city, besieged by the forces of the Ayyubid Sultan Saladin, found itself in a dire situation. The Templars, alongside other Crusader knights, defended the city with unwavering determination, but the relentless assaults and dwindling supplies ultimately took their toll. Faced with the imminent fall of Jerusalem, the Templars made the difficult decision to negotiate terms of sur...  more
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight
Psalm 144:1


Nicholis Ahik, Knight Captain
Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templier (OMSDT)
Seneschal of the Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
Christian army of Poland came to save Vienna from the Muslim Turks! Inspirational speech!!! Christians need to hit back like they did back in the days.
Hello, Templar family. A photo album came up in my memories on Facebook from the year 2017 when Grand Prior and I attended a local Renaissance Fair. I thought you all might get a kick out of seeing some of the photos of us attending dressed as King Richard the Lionheart and his wife, Queen Berengaria.

At the fair, there was lots to eat and drink, fun booths with all kinds of things to look at. There was also an area set up by a local family that operates a horse rescue and they had brought a co...  more
— with GP Derek Nordio
That looks like lots of fun. We have a renaissance faire in PA. What a great idea!! Thank you GSY for sharing

1SGT Paul Aguilar
Priory of St. Michael the Archangel