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In 1307 - and presumably on Friday 13th (October)- that King Philip IV "The Fair" of France arrested all of the Templar Knights.

Even the Grand Master of the order, the famed Jacques de Molay, was arrested in Paris, together with 60 of his knights. The religious Order had been the subject of rumors of blasphemy and irreligious practices, but these were false. A large number, including the Grand Master Jacques DeMolay and three other leading Masters, confessed and were burned alive. The leaders ...  more
A collection of Order memes. Save and use as you like to promote order.
I am so looking forward to this event and meeting many of you attending it.
It will be a great gathering and time together. I have fond memories to my first Conclave back in 2019, it was during that event I first met our GM Rick Trujillo.
Everyone benefits when Christian men faithfully give themselves to one another, when uncommon brothers love one another in uncommon ways.

Our enemy loves to isolate a man from his unit, where he is exposed, vulnerable, defenseless. Wise men, however, do not wander out alone against the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12), and they will not let their brother fight alone.

Woe be to him that is alone; for when he falleth, he hath not another to lift him up. Two are better than one, because...  more
Amen 🙏🏻

GC John Kelmy
KCP, Priory of St. Michael the Archangel

“In Nomine Eius Triumphabo”
I have been a CAA now for 6 months and 4 days. May I take the SAA curses now?